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Developer Community – By Helping Others We Help Ourselves

The more we can collectively help one another, the greater the value of being part of a diverse community of developers that can support, sustain, and nourish our fellow developers and ourselves.
Mark Franks | April 29, 2022

Developer Community: By Helping Others We Help Ourselves

Developer Community

We’ve been building our Developer Community in earnest for over six years now.  Over that time we have hosted 6 hackathons and added a dedicated 2-day developer track at our annual Summit, as well as hosted a Virtual Developer Conference each June to share our collective knowledge directly with our developer community.  These events have been successful in providing fresh content by having Acumatica engineering and our partner developers share the latest developer-specific functionality and best practices – by the people closest to the technology with the most hands-on experience.

It is this generous spirit of sharing knowledge and experience that sets the Acumatica Developer Community apart.  When developers join and contribute to our community they are not only helping other developers they are helping themselves as well¹.

Our Developer MVP Program provides a broad venue for developers to contribute to our developer community through Acumatica Developer Blog posts, giving presentations at our annual Acumatica Summit and our Virtual Developer Conferences, and participating in our Coffee & Code episodes and our open-source projects.

Other ways you can contribute to the Acumatica Developer Community is through answering questions on stackoverflow and our Acumatica Community site where we now have a section for developers with dedicated forums for specific developer topics: xRP Framework; Web Services/APIs; Customizations; Mobile Development; and Miscellaneous Developer Topics.  We also have a section for developer-relevant news and announcements. I encourage you to subscribe to these forums in order to be notified when a new question is asked or any news is posted.

Developer Resources

The fruit from those who contribute is ripe for the picking  — as the saying goes:  “we reap what we sow.”  Below is an enumeration of all that fruit that is available to nourish, you the developer.

Comprehensive developer resources can be found on our Developer Landing page.


Because we have carefully cultivated a robust developer community for the past six years here at Acumatica and encouraged Acumatica developer partners to contribute their time and talent, we have some of the best content available to developers to assist them in efficiently building great integrations and applications for themselves or their customers.

The more we can collectively help one another, the greater the value of being part of a diverse community of developers that can support, sustain, and nourish our fellow developers and ourselves.

Happy Coding!

¹7 Scientific Benefits of Helping Others


Blog Author

Mark was the former Sr. Developer Relations Manager at Acumatica.

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